Solving Ethernet Connection Issues - What Would a Tech Do?
All SignWarehouse technicians are committed to supporting our customer's success. This article's topic is on an issue many people face -- ethernet connection issues.
Our technician, Leif's, step-by-step instructions are here to help you overcome and prevent future ethernet connection issues.  (For a deeper understanding of IP addresses and how network protocol works, there are many helpful videos available on YouTube.)
When we have connection issues with an ethernet-enabled device like a Mutoh or PrismJETÂ printer, Windows updates and network conflicts are more than likely to blame.
Re-Connecting a Printer
Here are the "meat and potatoes" on getting your printer connected again. Enjoy the meal!
We need to know what the IP address assigned to the printer is:
1. Go to Menu > Setup > IP Address
2. It will be if you have never changed it.
IPv4 Settings

2. In the control panel go to “Network and Sharing Center”

4. Open the network for your printer. If your printer is plugged directly into the computer, it will show up as an “Unidentified network”

If your printer is plugged into a router, hub, or switch you will need to get your internal IT department to resolve any connectivity issues, or make a way to directly connect the printer to your computer.
5. We need to open the properties for this connection and go to the IPv4 Settings.
6. Once we’re in the IPv4 Properties, we want to check the option for “Use the following IP address” to set a static IP address, then designate an IP address where the first three octets match the printer, and the last octet is LESS than what is on the printer.
Make sure the subnet mask field matches the subnet mask on the printer exactly.
My printer’s IP is so by designating the computer to be it will ensure that the printer's and computer’s connection are on the same network, and are close enough to communicate.
7. Click OK and then re-open the screen to double-check that the settings were saved here:
 Flexi/LXi Settings
1. Right-click on your printer’s setup in the production manager, then go to “Change Port”
3. If you see “Check connection success” your printer is now communicating with the software and you are good to go!Â
If you see any other pop-ups (“System administrator...”) you should assign the IP
address to the printer, and follow these steps again.
If that does not do the trick, have your IT Department look at this document, and assign an IP address to your printer. Any kind of firewalls or network-based security poses a problem for these printer connections, I recommend taking your computer completely off the local network and internet if you are in a secure facility where these are in place.
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